Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi ppl! so long nvr post.... sry bout dat..... oh yeah! EOY EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!! WOOTS!!!! XD wanted to post this on fb BUT my fwen, ANNABELLE ONG beat me to dat...>:(.anyway, the last psle paper was sci n mine was sci too. I heard that this years chinese was vry easy...
My mum told me dat there is a k-pop night concert that sells 2 tickets for $220 (i think) n she wants me to discus with my bro n share the cost. My brother was like : its ok, juz gimme a DS. i was like ...=.="... so, should i get the concert ticket or not????? i don't know! ARGH!!!!! sooo hard to decide!!!!! D:<>

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 1 of SOTA camp

On the first day, two year 4 student leaders were introduced to our class. Their names were Saher and Milon. Our class was split up into two groups, R5 (a) and R5 (b). I m in R5 b. We started with a game. U have to run to a person in ur group, any person, n say something about that person like for example, i run to my friend n say that she is a anime freak, then she will have to run to another person to say something about that person. Then, we had to combine 3 groups together to form a big group. We were given a long circular rope that has a few masking tapes on it. When the music playes, we will have to pass the rope and whoever gets the rope will have to go on stage. So one group will have at least 3 ppl gg on stage. Of course, when the person goes on stage, they will all have to do whatever we say. We had dancing, singing etc. I was sooo lucky that i did not get the masking tape.
After that like somewhere in the afternoon, we had to learn a cheer. It is called the beaver cheer, and it goes like this : Beaver 1 beaver all, lets all do the beaver call, reak (x8) ( its some wierd noise dat i dont know how to spell) Beaver 2, beaver 3, lets all climb the beaver tree, reak (x8) beaver 4, beaver 5, lets all go for beaver drive (not so sure at this part) (x8) beaver 6, beaver 7, lets all go to beaver heaven (x8) beaver 8, beaver 9, STOP!!! ITS BEAVER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reak (x8). This cheer is the most irritating cheer i have ever heard but we still have to do it... TT.TT
When we built our tent alr, my friend said that she brought an air bed for us to sleep on. i was like sooo happy at first but then in the night, it was soooooooooooo hot even though the bed was comfy. we had to sleep at the 10th floor on CONCRETE floors!!!!!!! and we had all the tents in front of us blocking all the wind! we perspire until all 4 of u on the bad made the bed a bit wet. The other 2 had 2 sleep on ground cos we said to take turns the next day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

First concert

On Saturday, my family and I went out and after we came back, it is alr 3++pm. Then my mother brought me to S.H.E concert which starts at 8.oo pm. She said that if we go later,there will be a traffic jam along the way and when we reach there, we still have like... 3 hours to the concert, so we walk around see see look look do window shopping and ate dinner.

Btw, my mother bought the LAST two tickets for S.H.E concert and it costs like 2 for $130. This is counted as very cheap alr. I was sooo excited and like, this is my FIRST concert and by S.H.E some more.~~~~~ (>'^')>

When the concert is starting, we went to our seat and from my view, it was not too bad, in fact, it was way better then I thought. What i thought was that everybody was SCREAMING, shouting and cheering but they only scream , shout and cheer after the song. Starting, when they came on stage, their outfits were very very extremely weird. But after that, they change their clothes after a few songs. Some of the songs i never hear b4 but they are nice. The song i hate most in the concert is the one Ella wrote herself there is one line that i remember, which is wo bu nan bu nu (which is i am not a boy or girl). After hearing that, everyone was like laughing and i was like -.-"....... then in the later part of the concert, they pretended that they are in the k- box and wanted all of us to sing along with them. When they each sang a song, on the screen will be like the olden days where they listen to songs in the CD and the person will be like walking around pretending to be sad those type... but this time, the person in the screen acting will be either Selina, Hebe or Ella.

After the concert, when we are ont he car, inching our way out, the wu yue tian concert, (mayday) just finish and there is fireworks. Soooo nice~then after the fireworks, the sky is light blue. The concert should start at 8 and end at 1o but instead, it start at 8 and end at 11+. so by the time i reached home it is alr 12 and by the time i sleep it is alr 12+ am. I really enjoyed myself in the concert and i will never 4get how it is. ~~~~(- w -)
Bye bye~

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Touch Rugby.

2dae, sch starts @ 10 n ends @ 12 cos we got touch rugby tournament wif R6. (my class is R5) 2dae's game is ..... ok lar, we tie to almost every game n lost 1 game by 1 point. The game should end @ 12 but it ended @ 12.50. There is a girl in my team who is a.... ok player when she scream n shout to make the opponents scared n back away from her then she can score. But 2dae, she is like soooo scared juz cos the opponents make a line n she is scared dat she cant score. She is vry vry extremely quiet 2dae. I told her 2 do wad she did in the previous practises but when she tried, its like she dun even wan 2 scream/shout. She say she is very scared. (-.-)" 2morrow n Fri, there is sch 4 dance, theatre n music students EXCEPT VA. This week is A.E.F which stands 4 arts education forum.

Anyway, I MISS MY PRI SCH FWENS SOOO MUCH. when can we hab a reunion? TT_TT

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Day 5 of SOTA

On Friday, we did a self portrait of ourselves but the 'self portrait' is like wad we want to become of sth like dat. I trace out my hands cos we r required to trace ourselves, then I drew a huge pencil n a eraser n some paint ect. I also drew a hand drawing manga. Then we were asked to go to some1 we don't knoe n it will be best if we go to the year 2s. I don't know who to go to so luckily there is a girl then she say " er... we do together lar " then we start talking to each other n she asked me wad class i'm in. I said i'm in r5 n she is in g7 (I think ) She is in sec 2 n she is from music ( vocal ) she told me that she wants to become a singer so that she can let the lord hear her voice.
In the afternoon, we took a photograph of ourselves n paste it on the SOTA word then fill in the blanks with magazines or newspaper but mostly magazines.

The last day of orientation is not so fun. I prefer the first day one a lot more... but anyway its quite fun throughout the whole week of orientation. I rly enjoyed myself vry vry much.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Day 4 of SOTA

2dae in the morning, we went 2 the hall 2 do hip hop. The teacher is very very funny n most of us said that he should be in theatre. The hip hop lesson was quite fun.A girl from my class, Pamella ( I think its spelled like dis) danced EXTREMELY well! she got accepted into SOTA by hip hop she is vry vry good. The teacher said that there was once he saw a guy his pants one folded up n one not n he is carrying a bag with a helmet then he asked that guy " R u a b-boy? " then the person said "yar I'm b -boy!!" in a vry rough n like acting cool manner. Then he asked the person ''do u knoe the six steps? '' ( six steps i think is the six basic steps...not quite sure ) he said " six steps? " then he shaked his head. Then my teacher changed the subject. " do u knoe how 2 do a head spin?" "yar i knoe!" then when that person put on the helmet, he can't even get halfway up.
Then my teacher told as that when some1 fold one side of his /her pants, it is 2 differentiate between the opponents. there was once when he was a judge, he asked a person y he folded one side of his pants up, hoping that he would educate the audience but he said that cos its a kind of fashion. My teacher almost fainted.
When he was 20++, he performed hip hop.He was sooo confident that he lift his leg so high n fast that his pants got a big hole. There was silence. The audiences jaws dropped. n guess wad he did? he didn't care n continued despite him being embarrassed. After he finished, a lot of ppl came up 2 him n said " u were GREAT!!!! at the start, i was looking @ur pants but juz now u distracted me n i looked @ u!"
After we did hip hop, we did dance some classes went in the dance room first. my group was one of the groups 2 go in the dance room. It smelled HORRIBLE but we had no choice then pair by pair, 2 of the class 'battled' each other n Pamella's group won then we went to do the graffiti. But this is on paper. After everything finished, we gathered in the hall n those winners for the dance battled each other. 2dae was quite fun :)

Day 3 of SOTA

Yesterday, our theme of the day is "Dreams" in the morning after we went back 2 our class, we were told 2 take out our magazines n scissors. The teacher told us 2 get into groups of 4 each group must hab at least 1 boy. There are around 8-9 boys n the rest r girls. So I hab no choice but 2 group 2gether wif Adriel n a boy called Darell ( i think ) n we cut out a picture of Mario n the dragon n the other guy (4got the name ) then we paste it on a so-called hip hop background. n we paste a dress on Mario n human eyes ( when u look @ it u will burst out laughing). Then about the dragon thing, we put the tip of the diamond ring ( which is a humongous diamond ) in its mouth. Then after dat, we hand it in n we r supposed 2 act sth out the script goes sth like dis: the 'dreamer' is sleeping while the clock goes tick tick tick there are different kinds of shapes n colours. The bizarre is normal n the impossible can be done.
Then still got some things i forgot alr. Then when we act it out, I m the dreamer n er....erm......mario......... =.=" but we didn't go according 2 plan cos dat ADRIEL spoiled it. He was supposed 2 b the 'monster' thing but he jumped out, 'scare' me n Mario's bro which is Darell then the 'princess' is supposed 2 say sth but ADRIEL juz say a lot of things n then he said '' This is the end of our acting" I was like ..............=.= then the three of us, me, Darell n Annabelle keep blaming him.
After lunch, we were told 2 take a paper n draw / write sth regarding our dreams then the whole class make a picture out of it. My class made out a exclamation mark cos some other group made out a question mark. Then we got a chance 2 see everyone's picture (or drawing)
2dae was okay n i especially enjoyed the morning part cos when we cut the thing Adriel keep saying stupid stuff so funny n when we discussing about the acting dat time he keep saying dat he wants a murderer which is going 2 some1 holding a paintbrush as a knife n tell the person that he is harmless n he wants 2 teach the person dancin. =.=" Then the Darell oso a bit funny lar then Annabelle keep saying she dun wan 2 be the 'princess' cos i played scissors paper stone wif her i won so i dun need 2 be the princess. XD